Seth MacFarlane

Comedy writer

Voice actor


October 26, 1973


Kent, Connecticut

Kent, CT


47 years old


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A little about Seth

Precocious cartoonist

During his childhood, he developed an interest in illustration and began drawing cartoon characters such as Fred Flintstone and Woody Woodpecker, as early as at two years old.

Close call

He was supposed to be on one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001, but missed his flight due to being hungover and having the incorrect flight time.

First job

When he was nine, he began publishing a weekly comic strip Walter Crouton for The Kent Good Times Dispatch, the local newspaper in Kent; it paid him five dollars per week.

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Seth MacFarlane


If he ever uses his characters' voices during sex

Only Tom Tucker. Only Tom.


It's a reference to the utterly haphazard nature of old variety shows. You'd do a sketch and then cut to a musical number with zero segue. So... basically Family Guy.
I thought it was really funny. They flagged our cutaway setups, which had been getting a little fast and loose at the time. Props for that. RE: the cutaways themselves, though, they were off the mark a bit. The cutaways are actually the hardest things to write on the show. Story-centric jokes come a little easier, but when you have to conceive and invent a whole independent little sequence several times in a episode, it's challenging as hell. Like doing a Far Side cartoon 10-12 times an episode.

Seth MacFarlane


How he avoids burnout

How he avoids burnout

Seth MacFarlane


How he avoids burnout

Seth MacFarlane

I jump between TV and film for that reason. I felt fried after 12 years of Family Guy so I left to do Ted. At some point maybe I'll wind up writing for Family Guy full time again.
An accordion. It sits in my living room untouched. One day I will play it.
I once saw Neil deGrasse Tyson eat an entire bottle of Flintstones vitamins on a dare
These days, Brian is my favorite because it's an easy vocal transition - Quagmire is the hardest because my voice is pretty much thrashed by the end of the session
I spent a lot of time there in college, and I hadn't ever seen anyone depict it in a comedy series. Felt fresh. Like a mini-Boston. And the accent is hilarious.
Ok you want the truth? The Cavalcade of Comedy. I didn't feel like I had the time to put into it that it required. I thought it suffered as a result.
Find somebody who knows how the hell a computer works and have em direct you to a good animation program you can use at home. As you've seen, my computer skills aren't so hot.
Orville Wright, yes. I was reading the David McCullough biography of the Wright brothers while I was writing the pilot, and early on there seemed to be some depiction of Orville as the "beta" brother. Seemed like a good fit for our midlevel craft.
The Twilight Zone, All In The Family, Star Trek of course, The Larry Sanders Show was always a favorite
I was very surprised by the size of the reaction. To me, the positive spin was "Hey, people still really give a shit about this guy. That's cool."
Fox behaves like two different companies. There's the entertainment wing, and there's... you know, the other one. They don't really communicate. So they may as well be two different entities.
I wanted to do an episodic, non-serialized show. There's no real interest in that kind of storytelling on the Netflixes out there - they like continuing stories you can binge-watch. So the network made sense.