Amy Poehler

Comedy writer


SNL alumni


September 16, 1971


Newton, Massachusetts

Newton, MA


49 years old


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A little about Amy

Dance, dance

While shooting Parks and Recreation, Amy would start impromptu dance parties in the makeup trailer on set.

We had a good run

Amy married actor Will Arnett in 2003, and they had 2 kids together. They would divorce in 2014.

Welcoming and warm

Her co-worker at Saturday Night Live, Seth Meyers, has described Poehler as "the most generous laugher" during sketch read throughs. Amy would also take it upon herself to welcome guest hosts during rehearsals and try to make them feel comfortable d...

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Amy's posts (10)

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Amy Poehler


Favorite movie

Favorite movie

Amy Poehler


Favorite movie

Amy Poehler

The Jerk


Well, growing up, I loved "All in the Family" and I loved "CHEERS." I also loved "The Wire" and "Law & Order." There are SO many good current television shows happening too! I love "Broad City"! And I could watch "Judge Judy" every day, all day and all night, don't stop won't stop.
"Pay attention to what people do, not what they say."
Exercise your right to vote! Whatever you feel drunk, stop, because 18 year olds have a hard time figuring out how much they can drink. Be with a good friend who can make sure you get home safe, and try one new thing on your birthday every year.
Going from crying to laughing that fast and hard happens maybe five times in your life and that extreme right turn is the reason why we are alive, and I believe it extends our life by many years.
Decide what your currency is early. Let go of what you will never have. People who do this are happier and sexier
I wasn't the class clown. I was a student who liked school and did a lot of activities, and I kind of floated around. I wasn't very shy, but I didn't really think I would be a performer, and didn't know anyone who was an actor or writer. I was a very kind of typical kid who liked to work hard and have a good time. But I don't think you would've necessarily pointed to me and said "Darn right."


I was encouraged by so many people (and continue to be encouraged by so many people). In the beginning of my career, there was a woman named Charna Halpern, she ran the I.O. Theater in Chicago, and was one of my first, you know, patrons and teachers. And I studied with her and Del Close, and learned how to improvise, and then I basically was supported by and encouraged by all the great and talented people I got to improvise with.
They were all fun for different reasons. Sometimes when writing the history of UCB or the times at SNL were fun, because they reminded me of all those stories, and I would start laughing thinking of all the ridiculous people I surrounded myself with. I was just texting with Fred Armisen, and telling him that i wrote nice things about him int he book, and he was very touched, and then I reminded him that his lawyers made me do it, and I said "His lawyers will sue you if you don't write nice things about him in your book."


I think we should stop asking people in their twenties what they ‘want to do’ and start asking them what they don’t want to do. Instead of asking students to ‘declare their major’ we should ask students to ‘list what they will do anything to avoid.’ It just makes a lot more sense.