What fatherly advice he'd take from Kenny Powers

Putting a kid in a hole to protect him from kidnappers has come in handy a few times. But for the most part I just think about doing exactly the opposite of whatever Kenny Powers would do and that pretty much gets the child rearing done.


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It changed everything. There's this beautiful thing Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche says about putting down your project or agenda and just being with someone else. That's a great map for the territory of fatherhood. This kid blows my mind. We have an orange tree and the people who lived here before us grew strawberries so every day he gets to harvest and eat fruit with me and his name for fruit is "nann" He'll point up at the orange tree and say "nann" and it's gotta be what the angels sound like when they are singing in heaven. laying on the hammock eating oranges with him and laughing and listening to him say "Nan" has altered me permanently for the better.